Excel Workbook Licensing
XCell Compiler offers very easy and hassle-free Excel workbook licensing. You don’t need to have programming experience to accomplish professional copy protection of your Excel file. With only a single copy of the software you can protect an unlimited number of your excel files with no additional investments. You don’t need any additional hardware like dongles or hardware keys.
You can achieve Excel license protection by using ‘Registration/Licensing’ facility of XCell Compiler.
- Hardware locking! Lock your Excel application to a targeted computer. It means that without your permission your licensed workbook doesn’t start on any computer.
- Excel application copy protection prevents your application from being illegally used on unauthorized computers.
- Simple and effective protection procedure, no need for additional programming.
- Trial/demo version feature. Easily create a demo version of your Excel application along with date limitations.
- Limited license feature, rent or lease your Excel application by setting the license expiration period.
- License extension feature, your can easily extend Excel workbook limited license after it expires.
Excel workbook licensing workflow – Registration Key tool usage example
Let’s look at an example of the registration and hardware locking process.
- Compile the Sample.xls workbook with the ‘Copy Protection with registration key’ and ‘Hardware locking’ options selected as shown on the following image:
- If the “Copy Protection with registration key” option is enabled then the “Limit application usage period” is inaccessible. In this case the date limit for compiled workbook can be set during regkey generation (see below).
- Compile the application ‘sample’. After compilation it should create a Sample.exe file in the C:\0\ folder.
- Let us assume you or your customer ran the Sample.exe file. A message will appear like the image below.
This means that without a registration key generated for this exact EXE file this application will not start.
So, let’s create a registration key for this application and specific computer ID.
Select in Excel menu ‘DoneEx >>XCell Compiler >> Registration Key Tool’ item.
The menu item will open the Registration Key tool form:
- Browse to the C:\0\Sample.exe for ‘Path to compiled Exe’.
- Put customer name and customer email address in the boxes.
- Now, the most important information is the Computer ID. Please copy/paste or type the customer computer into the “Customer Computer ID” field.
- You can also put a date restriction on the registration file by choosing the ‘Limit application usage period’.
- When you click the ‘Create RegKey’ button, it will create ‘sample.rkey’ in the same directory where the Sample.exe file is located.
- You can send sample.rkey to your customer, so that the sample.exe will run only on their computer.
This way you can protect your Excel application from being illegally copied from one computer to another.